Escape High Rates: Embrace Better Financing Now

Eliminate financial burdens with creative, affordable solutions from Equity Keys Consulting Group's extensive alternative financing network.
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About Us

Equity Keys Consulting Group provides alternative financing for business owners with high-interest loans. We offer builders, developers, real estate professionals, and business owners an array of options, saving both time and money. Our primary focus is consulting business owners seeking superior products, better mortgages, and asset-based lending insights.

A Financial Network of Business Services

Whether you seek to reduce monthly payments, shorten loan terms, or tap into equity, our resources can assist.

Our Process

Our process is designed to make your experience with us smooth and stress free, we pride ourselves with transparency and confidentiality eliminating complexities to ensure you're only a few steps away from your goal.
Get prequalified

Once you have provided your information then one of our reps reach's out to help you fill out the application.

We submit your package

Based on the information provided on the application we find a suitable home within our network to further assist and process your desired outcome.

Approval to Underwriting

A Commitment letter is then issued from one of our network partners, the due diligence process includes an ordered appraisal with average closing time of 20-30 calendar days.

Recent Deals

These are just a few examples of the many successful refinancing deals we've closed for our clients. At Equity Keys, we strive to provide a personalized service and expert guidance based on 20+ years of experience to help our clients make the best financial decisions for they're needs.

What we can do.

By getting to know your business our experienced and knowledgeable industry professionals can recommend the right solutions to help you meet your goals.
Fully Amortized
25 Year Terms

Longer terms and more predictable payments over time can help any unique situation move forward, we provide viable tailored options.

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Buy, Refinance or Expand
As low as 5% rates

Lower interest rates to reduce your monthly payments can help regain control of your finances and give you leverage when you need it most.

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© 2022 Equity Keys